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closeup of a pregnant women's belly in a lace gown
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As a motherhood and family photographer in Palo Alto, I’ve had the privilege of working with so many wonderful families during some of their most memorable moments. From maternity sessions capturing the anticipation of a new arrival to newborn photos documenting those first precious weeks, I often hear stories from moms about the importance of […]

3 Expert Palo Alto OBGYNs For Personalized Care for Motherhood


pregnant woman in a white gown sitting on the floor admiring her belly
The Post »

As a maternity, newborn, and family photographer in the Bay Area, I know that pregnancy is a time of beauty, transformation, and sometimes, physical challenges. Many of my clients share how finding the right prenatal yoga class has made their journey smoother and more enjoyable. Nandi Yoga in San Mateo offers a supportive space for […]

Experience the Benefits of San Mateo Prenatal Yoga at Nandi Yoga


mom and dad standing in their living room holding their baby girl while their golden retriever lounges on the floor
The Post »

As a mom, I know how quickly those first few weeks with your baby fly by. Between sleepless nights and endless snuggles, the newborn phase is fleeting. So they become worth capturing in a way that truly reflects your family’s life and love. Many Palo Alto photographers specializing in maternity, newborn, and family photography believe […]

Why Choose an In-Home Palo Alto Newborn Photographer


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