
Q&A with Bay Area Sleep Consultant EC Sleep Solutions

Sleep tends to be a top concern for parents of young children. Some might think they’ll be in the clear once their baby is “sleeping through the night,” but sleep concerns can last well out of infancy. Fortunately, help is out there! Tired parents can hire a Bay Area sleep consultant to guide them and ensure both their little ones and themselves are getting the sleep they need.

I was able to chat with sleep consultant Naré Panossian of EC Sleep Solutions to find out more about how she helps tired families get better sleep.

sleeping newborn baby girl swaddled in white with a floral headband

Bay Area Sleep Consultant Q&A

Tell me about yourself

My name is Naré Panossian. I was born and raised in the Bay Area and am currently raising my 3 girls in Mountain View. I am a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and also a Certified Physician Assistant currently work in Family Practice.

How did you become interested in helping families in the Bay Area get the sleep they need?

I first became interested in sleep training when I had my first daughter. She had terrible reflux and would spit up so much that she needed to feed every 1.5 hours around the clock which then lead to a sleep association with feeding. After months of being sleep deprived, I looked into sleep training and she slept through the night on the 3rd night! It was life changing for our entire family and that’s when I knew I wanted to help other exhausted parents get the rest they need and deserve.

What services do you provide to tired parents?

I offer a free 15 minute sleep evaluation to any parent who might be interested in chatting about their child’s sleep challenges. During this consultation, I can get a good idea if i can help and may even be able to give tips that can be implemented right away and help the family get a good night’s sleep. I also offer private consultations where I work with families and their children for 2-3 weeks. This involves a customized sleep plan that I create for each child and family’s specific needs along with text/phone support throughout our time together. Lastly, I do offer in home support, where I can come to a family’s home to evaluate the sleep environment and also stay overnight for half nights or full nights to aid the tired parents in the process of sleep training with a more hands on approach.

What ages do you provide sleep consulting services for?

I work with children from 0 months up until 11 years old. I also provide prenatal sleep consultations with nursery evaluations and help new parents with expectations regarding newborns and sleep.

Which locations around the Bay Area do you service?

All of my packages can be done virtually and I have been fortunate to work with families all over the globe! For in-home evaluations, I typically work within a 30 mile radius from the 94040 zip code.

sleeping baby in a white onesie and blue bow with arms stretching overhead

What is something that you want parents to know about sleep?

More and more research is coming out regarding pediatric sleep and how it can affect a child’s cognitive, physical and behavioral development. But, most importantly, I would like parents to realize that having a child does not mean that they have to sacrifice their own sleep (it’s not a rite of passage) and that lack of sleep can truly affect the entire family. Most of my clients will tell you that sleep training their child was life changing!

Before we know it, daylight savings will end. What’s a tip you have to help parents get through it?

The time change with Daylight Savings is hard for everyone-it takes even adults about 2 weeks to adjust to the new time. The time change can truly wreak havoc on children and their sleep. My top suggestion is that you prepare for it beforehand. You can achieve this by gradually shifting your child’s nap and bedtime every 3 days by 15 minutes until you reach the new time. Like I mentioned before, patience will be needed, as it does take everyone about 2 weeks to get accustomed to the new time.

Anything else you’d liked tired Bay Area parents to know?

I know there is a lot of information out there for parents, especially when it comes to sleep training. I would like to mention that I do not use the “cry-it-out” method. Also, with my medical background and as a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, safety is my top priority and I strictly adhere to pediatric safety guidelines when I work with families.

Bay Area Sleep Consultant

Thanks so much, Naré, for sharing about EC Sleep Solutions! Be sure to check out her website for pediatric sleep solutions for your family.

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